Los productos textiles artesanales realizados en telar son muy apreciados. Se realizan con lana de oveja, y pelo de llama entre otros.
El tejido artesanal típico confeccionado a mano, en telar o huso, refleja la vida y costumbres de los que habitan las regiones montañosas de la
Los artesanos nativos, realizan en telar exclusivas piezas de tejido artesanal
Cada prenda se tejer “a mano” por artesanos del telar, por eso cada pieza terminada es única y aunque se puede repetir nunca resulta idéntica a la anterior porque influyen la tensión del tejedor, la variación en el grosor de los hilados, etc.
Una vez tejidas las prendas, se realizan los detalles de terminación que cada pieza requiera según su diseño: bordados con lana o con seda, anudado de flecos, enhebrado y/o bordado con piedras, cuentas de madera, etc.
Handicraft textile products made in weaving are greatly appreciated. They are made of wool and llama fibers among others.
The typical handcrafted weave made in loom or spindle reflects the life and customs of those who inhabit the mountainous regions of
Native artisans make in weaving unique pieces of handmade woven ponchos, pashminas, and shawls. We have samples of this beautiful native art, which are a valuable contribution to the cultural wealth of our country, some of which can be seen in our catalog of products.
Each garment is handwoven by artisans from the loom. So, each finished piece is unique and can be repeated but never identical to the previous results because the influence of the tension of the weaver and the variation in the thickness of the yarn play an important role.
Once the garments are woven, the finishing details of each piece are made according to its unique design: embroidery with wool or silk, knotted fringe, threading and / or embroidered with stones, wooden beads, etc.
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